The 100 Club is a small lottery which raises funds to support all aspects of community life including Dunshalt in Bloom, Defibrillator maintenance and Santa's annual visit to the children's Christmas Party. Subscription is £10 per year, prizes are £20, £10 and £5 drawn every month.

If you would like to subscribe, just drop us a line on This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and someone will pop by to collect your subscription.

100 Club Winners

June 2024  
£20 C Cooper
£10 S Beaumont
£5 E McPherson
May 2024  
£20 B Hutt
£10 L Smith
£5 S Pringle
Apr 2024  
£20 B Lawrie
£10 A Gray
£5 J McKay
Mar 2024  
£20 J Giblin
£10 H McKay
£5 R Pendrey
Feb 2024  
£20 A Grey
£10 A Morrison
£5 G Morton
 Jan 2024  
£20  E Henderson
£10 A Irvine
£5 C Cooper
Dec 2023  
£20 N Wilkie
£10 M Cooper
£5 G Young
Nov 2023  
£20 A Irvine
£10 G Bowen
£5 J Leitch
Oct 2023  
£20 C Forrester
£10 R Pendrey
£5 V Davies
Sept 2023  
£20 D Hanlon
£10 J McKay
£5 F Crofts